المشاركات الشائعة

الأربعاء، 1 مايو 2019

تعمريات: ظاهرة التردد في التخصص في مجال طب المسنين

تعمريات: ظاهرة التردد في التخصص في مجال طب المسنين

في أمريكا

Training Physicians to Care for Older Americans: Progress, Obstacles, and Future Directions.

It has been suggested that physicians were reluctant to enter the field of geriatrics because it was considered to be less interesting than other fields and because of the difficulty in developing an economically viable practice. Elderly people were perceived as having less money and more illnesses than the rest of the population.
وهذا النص كتب في تقرير رسمي أمريكي يشير لفترة ما قبل الحرب العالمية الثانية

في ماليزياdoi: 10.3390/geriatrics3040080

An Analysis of Geriatric Medicine in Malaysia-Riding the Wave of Political Change

A factor in the slow expansion of the number of geriatricians in the country can be attributed to the political forces driving healthcare provision and its distribution to the more attractive and popular specialities. Geriatric medicine may appear as less “sexy” to medical graduates who have just completed their basic speciality training as many other specialities such as cardiology and gastroenterology also promise far better financial remuneration in the private sector []. 

في البرازيل

Medical Education in Geriatrics: Brazilian and global challenge

Educação Médica em Geriatria: desafio brasileiro e mundial

The number of vacancies in Medical Residency, in Geriatrics is below the needs of graduation of geriatric physicians in Brazil. At the time, there is a phenomenon of open vacancies in several programs. This is a probable result of the deficiency of some programs, and/or because the specialty, for several reasons (lack of civil service examinations, lack of conditions to work with the specialty, inadequate pay by health insurance plans etc.), has not been seen as attractive. It could also be because of the unawareness about the specialty by most students, since a significant number of Medical courses do not have specific content of Geriatrics and Gerontology.31

في هولندا وأوروبا

Raising enthusiasm for the medical care of elderly patients: a concept mapping study to find elements for an elderly friendly medical curriculum


However, there is very little interest among medical students for a career in geriatrics [], or to work with the elderly [], due to a lack of exposure to this discipline (limited geriatric didactic content and especially limited geriatric clinical experiences), the nature of the work (chronic diseases and the complexity of geriatric patients) and the profession’s low status and financial rewards []. Besides, even though a considerable proportion of hospital admissions concerns elderly patients [], residents and medical students show mixed attitudes regarding the care for elderly patients, among which frustration with the hospital system, which seems to place more value on short-term efficiency and cure instead of (personalized) care [].

في أستراليا

Encountering aged care: a mixed methods investigation of medical students’ clinical placement experiences

Compounding curricular shortcomings are the mixed attitudes held by medical students towards care of older people [], including what Higashi et al. [] describe as persistent and implicitly negative attitudes. Persistent negative student attitudes towards aged care and older adults may be due to an educational culture that reinforces negative stereotypes about older adults [], communication challenges that limit reciprocal and effective patient-centred relations [], social distance between learners and RACF residents that reduces empathy [], low levels of health literacy and compliance [], or stark differences from the hospital training environment [].

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