المشاركات الشائعة

الاثنين، 10 يونيو 2019

تعمريات: Jargon and meaning of words

Jargon and meaning of words
Many users of the previous editions have asked for special care to be taken to simplify the language used. We hope they will be satisfied. It has not, however, been possible to avoid using certain technical terms (for example, discrimination index). Neither has it been possible to avoid assigning precise and restricted meanings to words which are often used interchangeably in everyday parlance (for example: task, activity and function). In all such cases the words are defined in the Glossary (p.6.01 et. seq.).
It is very important that we should understand one another, and for that we must give identical meanings to the words we use. But it is just as important not to get bogged down in endless discussions. Your aim is not to draft definitions of words for a dictionary.
So please accept the definitions proposed in Handbook, at least while you are using it.

Educational Handbook for Health Personnel

Sixth Edition
J.J. Guilbert
World Health Organization, Geneva 1987

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