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الثلاثاء، 20 أغسطس 2019

تعمريات: Aging definition

old since 2010
Aging definition

a.     Age!!! & Who is old, How old is old?: Aging is a very complex process; it involves a great many variables that interact with one another, but physical activity seems to cut across all of the variables and contribute to the physical and psychological well-being that defines healthy aging 50. Aging involves a plethora of concepts.  There is the common misconception that there is only one type of aging, usually thought to be chronological age.  Chronological age is the age a person is numerically, or the time (years and months) a person has lived. The truth is that there are various aging descriptions: Developmental age (DA), chronological (actual) age, bone age, functional age, and real age. Aging is the process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age.  The health effects that start appearing as people age, especially into their senior years, are the same effects that occur from physical inactivity.  The question is: Are the effects of aging caused by physical inactivity or are they just facts of life?
Aging is a post maturational process that leads to diminished homeostasis and increased vulnerability of the organism 34.
·         Normal aging -  involves inevitable changes related to physiologic processes occurring at certain stages in life (menopause)
·         Usual aging – age related diseases that typically occur in older individuals
·         Life expectancy – the age reached by half a given population, and varies with race, gender, and geographic influences
·         Maximum life span potential –  age attained by the longest lived member of a given population. http://www.wwu.edu/depts/healthyliving/education/aging/aging.shtml
                                  i.    Chronologic/Calender age:
1.     Chronological age – age measured by time (years and months) that someone has existed. http://www.wwu.edu/depts/healthyliving/education/aging/aging.shtml
2.     Chronological age is how old you are in calendar years. The measured by the time (years and months) that something or someone has existed. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090806082639AAojjPq
3.     Different in different times. Pliny hint about Pharaohs/ancients years + Dr Fatma comment on calculation of age in Arab Mo3ammerin book
Aging is an all-encompassing, multifactorial process that results in a decreased capacity for adaptation and produces a gradual decrease in functional reserve of many of the body's organ systems. Aging itself is not a disease process but instead serves as a reminder of the potential for development of many age-related disease states. There is no ideal anesthetic for all elderly patients. http://www.asahq.org/clinical/geriatrics/pharma.htm
                                ii.    Physiologic age
1.     "physiologic age," it refers to an age assigned by general health, as opposed to calendar age. http://www.cancer.gov/Templates/db_alpha.aspx?CdrID=45837
2.     Chronologic age does not reflect physiologic age. The majority of physiologically old individuals are older than 70. Physiologic age is reflected in a person’s independent living, life expectancy, and frailty. Independent living and life expectancy may be estimated with a comprehensive geriatric assessment, or CGA (Table 1).[13] The survival of a person dependent in one or more instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) depends on someone else compensating for the inability to perform a specific activity, such as a driver who provides transportation or a carrier who brings the groceries home. A person dependent in activities of daily living (ADLs) or with a geriatric syndrome may need a home caregiver or admission to an assisted-living facility. Canadian investigators have estimated a person’s physiologic age based on 90 parameters, but this system is too cumbersome for use in a busy clinic.[16]= Rockwood et al: Long-term risks of death and institutionalization of elderly people in relation to deficit accumulation at age 70. JAGS http://www.cancernetwork.com/display/article/10165/1366815?verify=0
3.     may be equivelant to frailty index of the individual. ashashyou
4.     Physiologic age of individual organs e.g. Kidney
5.     Bone age (skeletal age) – a person’s age measured by matching their bone development (as shown by X-ray) with bone development of an average person of known chronological age. http://www.wwu.edu/depts/healthyliving/education/aging/aging.shtml
6.     A frailty index can be estimated as the proportion of deficits older adults accumulate over time. By knowing the proportion of deficits a given individual has accumulated at a particular age, personal biological age can be estimated. Personal biological age for a given individual can be estimated from their frailty index value, as the age at which the person has accumulated that frailty index value. Personal biological age is a stronger correlate of mortality than chronological age. Relative frailty and fitness can therefore be estimated as the difference between chronological and biological age. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2318/2/1 [Frailty, fitness and late-life mortality in relation to chronological and biological age Mitnitski et al BMC Geriatrics 2002, 2:1doi:10.1186/1471-2318-2-1]
7.     Measurement tools:
a.     ?Frailty indices
b.    90 parameters in the Canadian study [16]
c.     FITT (Fitness In Today’s Times) offers eight physical assessment tests to determine functional age. Body Fat, Resting Heart Rate, Resting Blood Pressure, Grip Strength, Flexibility, Sub-Maximal Aerobics, Abdominal Strength, Upper Body Strength. http://www.nspainc.com/Fitt2.htm
d.    Physiologic age of organs: e.g. Creatinine clearance in Kidneys, Z-score & T-score in DEXA scan.
                               iii.    Functional age
1.     Functional age is the reference age for your body’s ability to perform relative to chronological age. A person’s functional age may be "younger" or "older" than his or her chronological age. http://www.nspainc.com/Fitt2.htm
2.     Functional age –a familiar term in building engineering-  depends upon the actual age as well as the condition of facilities. The functional age of a building or addition is determined by multiplying a condition factor as shown below times the actual age of the building or addition. www.isbe.state.il.us/construction/pdf/fess.pdf
3.     Functional age – a person's age measured by their ability to perform tasks of everyday living. http://www.wwu.edu/depts/healthyliving/education/aging/aging.shtml
4.     =functional senescence, also in Bees
5.     Functional age becomes a measure of one's success for adaptation. http://www.acsm.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Current_Comments1&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=8623
6.     Functional age: a combination of the chronologic, physiologic, mental, and emotional ages. http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/functional+age
7.     Functional age measurement is common in Pediatrics: Instruments that provide an age equivalent as WVBTT Percentage Conversion Chart to determine if the developmental age equates to a 25% or 40% delay for the child’s chronological or, when appropriate, adjusted age. www.wvdhhr.org/birth23/files/WVBTT_PercConvChartInst3409.pdf 
8.     Functional age:
a.     may have an implication on retirement age especially in the aging societies (Japaneese doctors returning back to their hospitals-in news)
b.     In the military and high official jobs health examination is a must to attain a higher grade.
c.     see this 1977s study for more details. It also considers psycho-physiological function variables  (not only physiological)
9.     Functional age can be derived from a representative database which includes information on a range of variables [Graham JE, Mitnitski AB, Mogilner AJ, Rockwood K: The dynamics of cognitive aging: distinguishing functional age and disease from chronological age in a population. Am J Epidumiol 1999, 150:1045-1054.]
10.  Measurement tools:
a.     ?Fitness scales + ADLs scales
b.    FITT (Fitness In Today’s Times) offers eight physical assessment tests to determine functional age. Body Fat, Resting Heart Rate, Resting Blood Pressure, Grip Strength, Flexibility, Sub-Maximal Aerobics, Abdominal Strength, Upper Body Strength. http://www.nspainc.com/Fitt2.htm
c.     Dantest is based on a computer analysis of Hearth Rate Variability, ECG and PL. Dantest can be used to estimate functional age. http://www.dantest.com/restress.htm/
d.    H-SCAN determines a person's functional age for the 12 age tests, as opposed to his or her chronological age. THE H-SCAN BIOMARKERS

1.   Auditory reaction time
2.   Highest audible pitch
3.   Vibrotactile sensitivity
4.   Visual reaction time
5.   Muscle movement time
6.   Lung: forced vital capacity
7.   Lung: forced expiratory volume, 1 sec
8.   Decision reaction time
9.   Decision movement time
10. Memory
11. Alternate button tapping
12. Visual accommodation (need for reading glasses).
                               iv.    Morphologic age
1.     Commonly used in Geology: http://www.ees.nmt.edu/harrison/harabst/ARAVA.HTM
2.     = superficial age = ?Phenotypic age?
3.     Skin “aging” including face is related to sun exposure
4.     Developmental age -  is a measure of a child’s development (in body size, motor skills, or psychological function) expressed in terms of age norms. http://www.wwu.edu/depts/healthyliving/education/aging/aging.shtml
                                 v.    Biologic age:
1.     Biological age definition:
2.     Biological age focuses on senescent changes in biological and physiological processes.
Biological age may be reduced by regularly participating in a well-designed physical fitness program http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090806082639AAojjPq
3.     = Theories of Aging.
a.     Biological Aging Is No Longer an Unsolved Problem, by LEONARD HAYFLICK. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1100: 1–13 (2007). http://ibgwww.colorado.edu/pdf/hayflick_1.pdf
b.    Theories of Biological Aging, by Theodore. C. Goldsmith. www.azinet.com/aging/Theories_Summary.pdf
4.     Used by a famous surgeon
Surgical Decisions in the Elderly: the Importance of Biological Age - Brief Article S M Farquharson et al Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Vol 94 (May 2001) 232-235: Surgeons may be reluctant to perform surgery on patients considered to be old and frail. As chronological age has not been shown to be a reliable indicator of biological age, this study used a scoring system (ie, a five-star system) based on patients' performance and lifestyle. http://jrsm.rsmjournals.com/

5.     Real age - the biological age of the body, based on how well it has been maintained. http://www.wwu.edu/depts/healthyliving/education/aging/aging.shtml
6.     =cellular aging (Theories of aging), sometimes = physiologic aging. Ashashyou
7.     Biological age, or RealAge, is how old your body is based on lifestyle, medical history, and genetics. In other words, your body might be younger or older than you think, depending on how well you take care of it and your personal risk of accidents. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090806082639AAojjPq
8.     Measurement tools:
a.     Teleomere staining. http://www.theallineed.com/biology/08090205.htm
b.    Calculate your RealAge (non-formal) (http://www.realage.com/reg/regvar/st1.aspx?mod=LONGFORM )
c.     Heart biological age
                               vi.    Mental age
                              vii.    Psycho/Social age (Old=grand-children, pension, marriage of children, grey hair, social networks, social marginality)
                             viii.    Disability-free or Active life expectancy
1.     Active life expectancy is computed with life-table methods to estimate the number of remaining years of life expected to be free from disability at specific ages. Active life expectancy is useful as a measure of a population's health status, because the traditional data on specific diseases and mortality do not fully reflect functional status or the quality of life, factors that are important in an older population13Furthermore, an understanding of the number of years a population group is expected to live in the nondisabled and disabled states permits valuable estimates to be made of the burden this group will place on the health care system, particularly for their longterm care needs.
2.     The expected years, or active life expectancy, showed a decrease, from 10 years for those aged 65 to 70 years to 2.9 for those 85 or older. Active life expectancy was shorter for the poor than for others, and women had a longer average duration of expected dependence than men. The measure of active life expectancy provides important information about health at a given population level, in terms other than death. N Engl J Med. 1983 Nov 17;309(20):1218-24.
                               ix.    Life span, life expectancy, Maximum life span, Maximal Potential life span, Age trajectory, Mortality rates, Period of morbidity, Health span, Active life expectancy, Quality adjusted life years, disability adjusted life years, disability free life expectancy, disability adjusted life expectancy
1.     Prospects for life span extension, by F Sierra et al., in Annu Rv Med 2009, 60:457-69
2.     a
                                 x.    Years of life (YOL), years of healthy life (YHL), and active life expectancy (ALE)
1.     YOL was defined as life expectancy from age 65 to death.
2.     YHL was defined on the basis of self-rated health, a simple but well-known measure[18,19] that has been found in many studies to predict health events in older adults.[20] YHL was defined as the expected number of years in which a person was healthy (in excellent, very good, or good health) versus sick (in fair or poor health).

3.     ALE was defined as the expected number of years of future life spent with no difficulties in activities of daily living (ADLs).[21]

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